Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Thanks, Brad, for helping me get this worked out with the pictures.

The church in Uzhhorod has a "soup kitchen" 3 nights a week for street children. Some of them get nothing else to eat, or scrounge for food from who knows where. These kids literally get soup! This looked like a good soup - some kind of vegetable.

I always thought of a "soup kitchen" being for adults. But this is for only kids. The church even reaches out to the local Roma population (gypsies) who are hated by the mainstream Ukrainians.

I wanted to bring home many of the kids, especially the one here in the blue shirt.

This is a picture of the kids playing a game together before they were to eat soup at the "soup kitchen". Cute kids.

This is a picture of where we're staying. Nice place! It was built within the last 5 years, and where all future teams will stay. It's called "Nehemiah center", and is used for Christian groups who need a place to stay. It's set up much like a hotel, but not just anyone can stay here. (Don't think American hotel!)

Thanks for all your comments. Please keep them coming. Ask questions of us- to answer ourselves or to ask of the churches we're visiting.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! What great photos and what sweet children. They are so precious. What a cool ministry they have to them.
