Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Good morning!

Stan, Karen and Susan have left for Hungary an hour ago. Hopefully the border crossing will go smoothly and they will be in Budapest by 1PM.I have had several offers to spend the next two days as a guest. They all say "you are all alone in Ukraine". Far from the truth, as I have meetings all day today and tomorrow.

I beleive that we gathered a good understanding of lives of people here, but most important, we see how vital it is to have the church strong and present here. It is the hope and promise of Jesus Christ that will change the lives here. I am NOT talking about getting technology or cars or conveniences here; I am talking about people living their lives for Christ, searching for ways to glorify God in their daily lives. That is how the churches here have flourished so far.

I saw a young boy, Ivanko, who I have not seen since our first visit here is 2003. At that time we were breaking up the old floor and walls in the church basement. There was lots of slabs and chunks of rock, concrete that needed to be carried up and out to the street. This young gypsy boy, 12 at the time, showed up and just started to help us. He got fed, but worked from morning till midnight. He is now a regular member of the church.

There are other great stories like this one. People's lives are being changed here - God is changing them through us, through Pastor Sergi, Pastor Vasily, PAstor Volodya, Josef the street minister, Alla, Carmen and Esther, the wives of the pastors.

Please pray for these folks daily. They are in constant prayer for us.

1 comment:

michaelhaxton said...

I am so glad that you are having a good time up there! Down south is also very fun, but I'm not really working that hard...hehe, anyway miss you a ton and I hope the rest of the trip is successful!