Tuesday, September 16, 2008

We're headed home

We're now in the Budapest airport - no problems this morning getting here. We're just waiting for the flight.

Yesterday we walked around Budapest in a steady drizzle - light to heavy. It was non-stop, but didn't keep us from enjoying the city. Two of the team (I won't announce who) even went to the Turkish baths - sans swimsuits - for a nice relaxing two hours.

Last night we took a nice tour on the river on a boat. It was still raining, but that didn't stop the city from being beautiful.

This has been a great team, and the mission has been a good one. In fact, it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to say that this is probably the best mission trip overall I've been on. Our team members have lived the secondary VIM motto - "Be flexible" with little or no complaints. We've had our laughs, our amazing moments, and bonded well together. and Stan has been a great leader.

But the best part has been the mission itself- continuing the relationships with the people of Ukraine. It has become more evident from two years ago when Stan, Karen and I first went there to now that we have a good comraderie with the people there. They are open to us, know that they can trust us, and are so gracious for our presence. They have the hard work still ahead of them with teaching their fellow citizens about Jesus. But they know that we support them and will do whatever we can to help. And they bless us in turn. That is what the relationship has meant, and why it's so important to go with the intention of long-term partnership instead once-and-done. and that is probably why this mission trip has meant the most to me.

For now, I think we're all ready to go home. See you soon!

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