Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Diggin' dirt

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Another day completed and we learned a new trade, rock sifting. Large piles of dirt and rock left over from last year’s trench digging. The guys, using a homemade sifter made from an old fence, tossed dirt through the fence to separate out large rocks. The rocks were then shoved into a wheelbarrow and carried to fill the subfloor of the church building; we stacked the dirt on plastic sheets to save for making concrete flooring and better back fill. Moving and stacking brick was a lot easier. Today we feasted on soup, tomatoes and cucumbers and a plum and walnut pastry roll – all were exceptionally delicious and prepared by Anna.

Vacation Bible Study continued with a lesson about how God gives us the power to help others with the lesson about Jesus healing the blind man. The kids were blindfolded to get a feeling of what a blind person may feel like and then healed, with our version using oatmeal, similar to Jesus mixing dirt and spittal to heal the blind man. We ended the lesson with asking them to help each other freeing their hands from bondage. Our songs took on a higher breadth with the accompaniment of Carmen on the guitar, I think the guys sitting outside were tapping their feet to the beat of Jesus Loves Me in Ukrainian --- we were loud!

The day ended with a dinner at the Center honoring Anna and Volodyia and Carmen and Vova. After a scrumptious meal of chicken and cabbage, we moved out to the sun room to hold a surprise party for the girls. We presented Anna a gift showing our sincere thankfulness for her preparing our wonderful lunches for the past two days, remember there are 14+ of us! We then surprised Carmen and Vova with a baby shower, the group was generous with the giving of some awesome baby gifts. The baby is going to be the best dressed baby boy in the Ukraine.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Where's Dixie?