Okay, now to the rest of everything. It rained on and off today, so we had times when we stayed inside, or at least under the eaves of the church building. But it was good to have some rest. This first pic is some of the team contemplating the rain. We didn't get as much done today, but we built some relationships, so it was still a good day.
This was VBS. We had 27 kids today! Penny is doing a great job with this. Stephen is our translator - we like him a lot and want to bring him home with us. He's standing next to Penny in this second picture.
David and Ralph built a seat in the outhouse today (in one side only). There used to be just a hole in the floor, but they had been worried that the drunk next door would come in and use it and mess a seat up, so we'll buy a lock for the door they can have. Our guys couldn't stand the idea of us women not having a seat... (Okay, the women appreciate the seat, too.). Penny christened the newly redone facilities for us, and gave it her approval. Only one side has the seat still.
Thanks again for all your comments. We love to hear from you.
Oh, and check out Penny's blog that she's keeping, too. It's http://pennythequeen.blogspot.com/. there's also a link to it on the right-hand-side of this page.
Tonight I think we'll get to bed at a more reasonable hour.
Are you bringing a new friend home for Max & Possum? Miss you!
Glad you have a potty seat now. From experience, it's hard to hit a hole where there are footprints as a guide to squat.
Congratulations, Jenni! Clothes are good, and so are all the other things. What great connections you are having with all that classwork about such foreign things. How wonderful to get to hear some first-hand views.
AS for the potty, Linda Nigh and I decided in Turkey that the hole in the floor was much easier to use when we had on skirts. Not the best attire to dig trenches however.
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