Tuesday, October 02, 2007

another good day!

Hello everyone! I think we got more done today than yesterday at the worksite! We have made good progress on the trenches for the footings. Lots of big rocks were delivered today, along with concrete, so that may be on the schedule the rest of this week.

The first picture, which may be hard to make out, shows the trench we're digging. It's 1 meter deep. The original church is the second building from the right. The big pile of sand and rocks there on the left will go into the trenches to help make the footings.

Robin, we were serious about the backhoe! Vova asked for one, but it never came. would have made the job easier, but we're strong (worth 20 cows each!) and doing okay. It's too late to get one now anyway. They are pleased with our progress, and so are we. We don't need no stinkin' tractor!

It's definitely hard work. This second picture is of Sharon, hard at it. This was toward the beginning of the day. It was much deeper later in the day.

Yes, we were digging right next to the outhouse...

But, it's not all about the task! There have been several people make visits to church members the last two days. They went with Vova. I havne't joined them, but those that went enjoyed the experience. We also had 23 kids again today at VBS. the kids seemed more comfortable, and so did the VBS leaders. They did crafts and learned about Jonah. The snack was goldfish! The kids giggled and loved the crafts and they taught each other songs (the kids to the leaders in Ukrainian, and the leaders to the kids in English). A good time was had by all.

While the VBS crew stayed behind, the rest of us went to the Uzhhorod church to "help" with the soup kitchen. I'm not sure that we helped much, but we enjoyed seeing the kids. We were there while they sang songs, played games, and had a Bible lesson, then started eating. The cool part was the kids all prayed for us. Jennie has some good pictures and I think she'll post them later.

These two guys are both Josef. The one on the left is the minister to the soup kitchen and youth. We met him last year. the other Josef is Roma (gypsy). He is one of our translators. He is learning in the Bible college, which may be his only chance for a future. He lives now at the church and is a participant in the Soup kitchen ministry. But he doesn't have much of a future because of the discrimination against the Roma people. He can't even join the army. but he will now become a pastor.

These are some of the kids who participate in the soup kitchen. I recognize some of them from last year. the girl who is just behind the boys on the left of the picture (she has a pink shirt), was one of the "cover girls" from our last "Pass the Salt". at least I think she was. Vika is her name.

We're still having lots of fun together. we laugh a lot. But now it's late at night and time to go to sleep. Thanks for reading our blog and commenting!


Anonymous said...

Love the pictures and info! I'm not so sure about digging here the outhouse!!!
Susan the server went down on Friday and Gene has been patching us back together. Your connection looks good so I hope you can reach your emails.
My tests from the doctor came back and they say my heart is normal. My question on the deposits was oh that is just calcium,your heart is normal, that is all I know...but I'll take it, yeah! Watch those fingers Susan.
By the way Trae Hiett is leaving us and going to New Covenant in Edmond as Youth Minister
Tell Stan to email his wife, or maybe she has figured out the blog by now..love mary

michaelhaxton said...

Glad mary is able to keep you up to date! Things are going well here, Abby is just fine. She misses you, that's for sure! Umm I did have a quick question, my car is having some trouble and it's in the shop, I was hoping it would be ok if I borrowed your car. Let me know if you aren't comfortable with that. And if you have email then we could talk about it over that, I just didn't know if you had access to that or not! Anyway, have a great time I'm extremely jealous!

Anonymous said...

Hello Team Ukraine,
I love the blog and hearing about each day. It looks like you are making great progress with lots of back breaking work. By the way, Stan, how is your back handling all that digging? I miss you too.
Hope you get this since Im not too good on the computer. Keep the pictures coming too. Hope the suitcases arrived and everyone is healthy now. Everyone I see ask about the team...love Marcia

Anonymous said...

Susan, I know you didn't mean for your comment about Josef (the Roma) to be funny, but it sorta was. " ... he doesn't have much of a future .... He can't even join the army. but he will now become a pastor."

It's a good thing you've found your calling and didn't try to go into advertising. I don't think the slogan, "Discriminated against? Not much of a future? Be a pastor!" would go over well.

Susan said...

Yeah, well, I'm sure I was delirious and incoherent when I wrote that. But you knew what I meant! His only future can be in the ministry. The Roma people are hated by the general population, but the church wants to reach out to them. Their culture is so very different than the rest of the Ukrainians. Josef can become a pastor and minister to his own people.

And that's why I have an engineering degree - not a marketing degree! :-)