Thursday, August 31, 2006

I visited the orphanage/school in Perechyn with PAstor Volodya and Viktor, a member of Sergi's church. 170+ children, all living there. About half of them have been abandoned. The country has been giving more financial support, even having official budgets that they honor. The assistant director was very proud that they have been able to upgrade sertain areas and that there is food farly consistently. That is good to know, as we can focus on the street children that are forgotten by the country.

I spent some time with Eva at Dorcas - they have several outreaches that I will update you with later.

I am waiting for Eva to show up now, gulping my espresso [at 6:30] and crossing the border.

God blees you all for the prayers and financial support you have provided. They make a difference. Know that the folks here pray on a consistent basis for us in the States.



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